Student Leadership is central to who we are at Salt Company. We believe students being raised up to reach the campuses in the Saint Paul area is strategic & glorifying to God. Student Leadership at Salt Company is one of our favorite things that we do. It is the place to disciple others by leading a Campus Group but it is primarily where you actually get discipled by us! Student Leadership is the main way we, as a staff, get to know, love, and disciple the students in our ministry. 

Before you start thinking of all the reasons you shouldn't/can't apply, I want to encourage you to not disqualify yourself from Salt Company Student Leadership. We are not looking for strong, impressive leaders but rather average, unimpressive people who love Jesus. There is no strength of faith, scheduling availability, desire to lead, attendance, understanding of the Bible, or holiness requirement that you must meet in order to apply for Student Leadership! We truly believe at the very least, the application process is super helpful for you and a great use of your time! I 10/10 recommend applying even if you are unsure!

Applications for the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 school year are open now and will close at midnight on THURSDAY, APRIL 4TH.

Continue scrolling to find the application :)


Student Leadership Application

THANK YOU: Thanks for applying! We really value your place inside of Salt Company and are so thankful you're wanting to explore the potential of leadership. The goal of this process is to determine your best "yes" for next year -- either as a faithful and growing member of a Campus Group, or as a new leader of one. We hope that for every applicant the process leads you to flourish in your walk with Jesus at Salt next year!

HEADS UP: Your answers to questions won't automatically save, so we recommend filling this application out in one sitting. Also, contrary to what you might think, the way to win on this application is not by trying hard to make yourself look good, but by just being truthful. Honesty is what we are looking for, not perfection!

DUE: Applications & references are due by midnight on Thursday, April 4, 2024.

INTERVIEW & REFERENCES: Following this application, you'll have a 45-60m interview with two members of our staff team. This interview is in-person. Interviews will take place between April 2-April 25 at Redemption Church. Further details and instructions for how to sign up can be found at the end of this application. You will also be expected to have 2 references. If you are in a Campus Group, these 2 references will be your two leaders. If not, please send the reference to two Christian friends. More on this to come!

QUESTIONS: If you have any problems or questions with your application, reference form, or interview, email Rachel Hartman @

We're looking forward to getting to know you more and hearing how God's worked in your life this year!